Tuesday, November 5th , from 5-8 pm
The Seasoned Spoon and the Trent Seed Savers warmly invite you to a Community Meal, and talk with Chloe Maracle from Kenhteke Seed Sanctuary. This Treaty Week event is a fundraiser for the Kenhteke Seed Sanctuary. We hope you can join us as we gather for a delicious, vegetarian feast made with local ingredients, and learn about the wonderful work of our nearby neighbors as they "cultivate a sacred space to grow, preserve, and protect heirloom and Indigenous seeds in accordance with Rotinonhsyon:ni cosmology, to ensure the availability of healthy, viable seeds for our collective future generations".
This event is pay-what-you-can and first come first serve. At the event you will be invited to make a donation to the Kenheteke Seed Sanctuary.
For more information visit their website here, or email spoonvolunteers@gmail.com.