Are you passionate about local food, interested in supporting the Spoon’s success and its future, or curious about not-for-profit and co-operative governance?
The Seasoned Spoon is currently recruiting new board members and we'd love to hear from you!
Please send any questions or expressions of interest to seasonedspoon@gmail.com. You can also complete and submit this application form directly to seasonedspoon@gmail.com. Applications are due February 19 th 2025. Please click the link to the application form and 'make a copy' under the File tab, which will allow you to fill out the form, then save a copy and attach in your email to seasonedspoon@gmail.com.
All experience levels are welcome. We ask that you commit to one meeting a month, and share in our efforts to govern this truly unique non-profit. If you love local food and are looking to expand your leadership experience, please apply! The Board of Directors welcomes any questions or comments. Oh, and one last thing, board members receive one free meal a week for their contributions - one of the many benefits of getting involved.
In keeping with the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Statement included in our ByLaws (I.4), we commit to fostering an inclusive environment that is receptive to diverse experiences, perspectives, and interests, where all individuals are treated fairly, and with dignity and respect. We commit to challenging systems of oppression with anti-oppression principles and seek to cultivate broad and meaningful representation of and engagement with equity- deserving groups.
The Seasoned Spoon is located in Nogojiwanong (Peterborough ON). We recognize that this is the traditional territory and ongoing treaty lands of the Michi Saagiig Nishnaabeg including the First Nations of Alderville, Hiawatha, Scugog Island, and Curve Lake, the Métis of Burleigh Falls, as well as the Chippewas of Beausoleil, Georgina Island, and Rama, all of whom are collectively known as the Williams Treaties First Nations. As we work to grow a regional food system that is regenerative, inclusive, and just, we also endeavour to learn about the impacts of settler colonialism on these lands and work toward cooperation with Indigenous Peoples. We offer our gratitude to the First Peoples for their care for, and teachings about Mother Earth and All Our Relations. We strive to honour the principles of respect, reciprocity, relationality, responsibility, and restoration as we carry out our purpose as an organization.
The Seasoned Spoon Café is a consumer/user cooperative where the people who use the co-op constitute its membership. A cooperative is an organizational structure that is governed by its members and based on democratic participation. One of a cooperative’s key purposes is accountability to its members and consumers. According to the International Co-operative Alliance, a co-operative is "an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly owned and democratically controlled enterprise." Cooperatives are based on principles of voluntary and open membership, democratic member control, member economic participation, autonomy and independence, education, training and information, cooperation among cooperatives, and concern for community.
As opposed to more traditional business models, which prioritize profits for investors, a consumer cooperative prioritizes providing quality goods and values self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity and solidarity. As a not-for-profit business with a social and environmental mandate, the Spoon is also a social enterprise. Social enterprises use the market to achieve social, environmental ends. The money raised through the café is used to achieve our mission and mandate.
The Seasoned Spoon is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of up to nine members of the cooperative. The Executive of the Board consists of five positions:
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